Amazon's Massive Workforce

Robots, Holiday Workers, and More

Good morning everyone, we hope you’re all doing great and excited for another Finance Visualized newsletter!!

It’s Evan (StockMKTNewz) and Gav (WOLF_Financial) back again with another issue. This time we’re looking into Amazon’s massive workforce.

We’re still just at the start of this newsletter and have a lot of big things coming. Make sure you’re subscribed and if you want to support this new project of ours share it with a friend!

With that let’s get right into the numbers.

Explosive Growth

Let’s set the stage with a look at Amazon’s revenue through the years:

Amazon skyrocketed annual revenue from $15.8 Million in 1996 to $514 Billion in 2022 and $404.8 Billion throughout the first 3 quarters of this year.

Amazon has NEVER had a year where they reported less revenue than the year prior and that streak is set to continue.

Total Number of Employees

Massive growth requires an endless supply of employees, and Amazon has them:

When Amazon was simply selling books in 1996 they had a mere 256 employees.

Now that they sell everything they had over 2 Million employees as of 2022!

Amazon Robots

Amazon has invested in more than their employees … they’ve also been growing their robot force!

Amazon has invested in many different types of robots including robots that roll around on the floor and can lift up to 2,500 pounds and robots that look like humans 👀.

Amazon may be one of the biggest companies investing in warehouse robots but they are not the only one.

Running some quick math - approximately 13.3% of all warehouse robots in existence in 2022 belonged to Amazon … this is something Amazon is taking very seriously!

Holiday Season Workers

Retail is a cyclical industry that gets busy at the same times throughout the year and Amazon is no different. Each year Amazon hires thousands of seasonal workers for the holiday season and that too has continued to grow.

Amazon hired 250,000 seasonal employees for the holiday season, a SUBSTANTIAL move above its previous record hires for the season of 200,000 back in 2019.

Some More of Our Favorite Graphics From The Week

That’s going to do it for this edition of Finance Visualized!!

We are going to make this newsletter great … you NEED to be subscribed.

If you want to support us in this new endeavor share the newsletter with a friend … It goes a long way!!!

If there’s anything you want to see from this newsletter please do not hesitate to send either of us a DM or just reply to this email, we’re making this for YOU and would love to tailor it to what everyone wants to see

Thank you for reading! We look forward to having you here for all that we have coming.

Gav + Evan