Finance Visualized Weekly - Issue #3

Welcome back to Finance Visualized, a weekly newsletter by @StockMKTNewz and @Wolf_Financial that’s 90% visuals and infographics.

We’ve been working hard to bring you this weekly update, and we have a lot of exciting content planned for the future.

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Some of the most famous investors in the world just updated their portfolios

Here’s what their updated portfolios look like and the changes they made during Q2

(Note 13Fs are their portfolios as of the end of Q2 June 30th, so positions could have changed since then and those changes will be reflected in their next 13F)

Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway

  • Here are the changes Buffett made to his portfolio during Q2

CASH … Buffett has a lot of it:

Bill Ackman

  • Here are the changes Ackman made to his portfolio during Q2

Michael Burry

  • Here are the changes Burry made to his portfolio during Q2

(Note: Burry is a much more active trader than the other investors on this post so his portfolio changes much more often)

Bill & Melinda Gates

  • Here are the changes Gates made to his portfolio during Q2

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Now, Wolf and I (Evan) may not be on the level of these legendary investors, but we’re throwing our hats in the ring with a stock-picking competition for Q3.

We’ve each invested $2K of our own money and are going head-to-head against each other and the market!

You can track the portfolios in REAL TIME for FREE with Blossom (Click either of the photos below)

We made some rules for the competition:

  • Hold more than 4 positions

  • Can’t have more than 20% in cash

  • Have to hold each stock you buy for at least 1 week

  • Have to put $2K real money into the portfolio

If you want to see Wolf’s portfolio and the other people in the competition check out the people that I follow on the Blossom App 

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Ace in the HoleYour Secret Weapon to Beat The Market
WOLF FinancialMoney making investing insights and analysis on a weekly basis.